

Reforestation until end 2023 

Thanks entirely to the support since 2019 of Ryanair’s passengers of the Monchique Renature project, 600,000 native trees have been planted in that municipality which was ravaged by fire in 2018.  A large and important component of the almost 27,000 hectares burnt that year is within the Seixe river basin.



Winter 2022-2023

That vital support has now focussed also on ? hA of land which belongs to Altri, a pulp and paper firm.  The site has good vestiges of rare endemic Rhododendron, R. ponticum var. bæticum, shrubs as well as some surviving similarly scarce Monchique Oaks, Quercus canariensis.  These trees will be supplemented by nursery material secured by Geota’s Miguel Jerónimo.  Similarly, we intend to add Rhododendron plants propagated by the Royal Horticultural Society from cuttings of Seixe specimens collected by Antonio Lambe.

Folhas do Carvalho de Monchique