Our Team

Antonio Lambe
Originally from Argentina, Antonio is an architect by training but an invitation to attend the 1992 Earth Summit after volunteering at the United Nations proved the epiphany that drove him to environmental causes. Starting with the Earth Council in Costa Rica and at the UN he has since worked on conservation in Peru, Brazil, Costa Rica as well as Portugal.
Justin Roborg-Söndergaard
Project Coordinator
Justin is a South African who has a background in nature conservation. He has worked in the Kruger National Park, and has experience working on numerous natural resource management projects throughout southern Africa. Justin came to Portugal with his Portuguese wife, whom he met in Mozambique. He has a MSc, specialising in Natural Resource Management, and is currently the TerraSeixe Project Coordinator.

Miguel Jerónimo
Operational Manager
Miguel is a Landscape Architect graduated from the University of Lisbon. He is a Member of the Executive Committee of GEOTA and representative of GEOTA in the European Environmental Bureau. He has been involved in several projects related to the environment and territorial planning in Portugal.
Rosário Oliveira
Project Coordinator
Rosário Oliveira is a Portuguese Landscape Architect (1994) and a PhD Researcher (2008) at the Institute of Social Sciences of University of Lisbon. After leading the designation of two protected areas in Portugal and refining participatory methods for landscape management, one of her current research topics is the green infrastructure definition and implementation as a way to convert natural capital into ecosystems services by promoting territorial and ecological connectivity and multifunctionality in the framework of climate change. She is an external consultant keen on making the TerraSeixe project a successful case study.